One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Dr. 白领教堂.


In his yearly sermon series, Cedarville's President, Dr. 托马斯•白, will walk us through the parables of Jesus, challenging us to have ears that hear, 接受的心, 生命服从. Join us as we make much of Jesus and His powerful words 今年.

Ears to Hear - Listening to the Stories of Jesus

The Parable of The Wise and Foolish Builders — 4/25/2022

听Dr。. 托马斯•白 concludes the series entitled, "Ears to Hear: Listening to the Stories of Jesus". 从路加福音6:46-49开始. White implores us to build our lives on knowing and obeying God's Word. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

佃户的寓言 — 4/18/2022

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. 从路加福音20章9-19节说起. White warns that rejecting the authority of God's Son leads to destruction.

The Parable of the Forgiving Father — 4/4/2022

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Looking at the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, Dr. White asks if we will accept the Father's loving invitation to receive forgiveness and eternal joy.

The Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son — 3/25/2022

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. 从路加福音15章1到24节. White teaches that Heaven rejoices when sinners repent.

The Parable of the Friend at Midnight — 3/18/2022

Today's All-Access Day chapel speaker is Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White continues his "Ears to Hear" series, speaking from Luke 11:5-13. He teaches that we should pray frequently, boldly, and expectantly.

免除债务的寓言 — 2/28/2022

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. 从路加福音7章36-50节说起. White teaches that when we comprehend the severity of our sinfulness, it impacts the depth of our devotion to our Savior.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan — 2/21/2022

Today's CU Monday chapel speaker is Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Luke 10:25-37, Dr. White teaches that we cannot justify ourselves. We need God’s compassion, and we reflect God’s character when we show compassion to others.

《有钱的傻瓜的寓言 — 2/7/2022

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Luke 12:13-21, Dr. White teaches us to guard against all covetousness and greed.

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector — 1/27/2022

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. 从路加福音18:9-14讲起. White teaches that our hope rests in God's grace, not ourselves.

The Parable of The Invited Guests and The Wedding Feast — 1/18/2022

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. 从路加福音14章7-14节说起. White teaches that the Christian life should be marked by humility and generosity.

无花果树的比喻 — 11/30/2021

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Luke 13:6-9 and Matthew 7:15-20, Dr. White teaches that genuine Christians should produce spiritual fruit.

十个童女的比喻 — 11/15/2021

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Matthew 25:1-13, Dr. White urges us to be prepared for the return of Christ.

人才的寓言 — 11/5/2021

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White exhorts us from Matthew 25:14-30 to be faithful, Kingdom-minded stewards of all God entrusts to us.

两个儿子的寓言 — 10/25/2021

听Dr。. 托马斯•白 teaches that actions speak louder than words, based on the parable of the two sons found in Matthew 21:28-32. Dr. White serves as President of Cedarville University.

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard — 10/18/2021

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White teaches from Matthew 20:1-16 that the Sovereign God rewards as He pleases.

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant — 10/8/2021

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Dr. White continues his "Ears to Hear" series, looking at the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:21-35. Dr. White teaches that because of the Gospel and the forgiveness we have been shown, 我们能够原谅别人.

王国寓言 — 9/17/2021

Today's CU Friday speaker is Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Continuing his "Ears to Hear" series, Dr. White teaches that the kingdom of heaven is unstoppable, invaluable, and will execute justice. His text is Matthew 13:24-33; 36-50.

《土壤的寓言 — 9/7/2021

今天的演讲者是博士. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23, Dr. White teaches that few will receive the Gospel message and produce fruit.

比喻的目的 — 8/23/2021

Dr. 托马斯•白, President of Cedarville University, 开始他今年的系列, entitled "Ears to Hear: Listening to the Stories of Jesus". Using Matthew 13:10-16; 34-35 as his text, Dr. White teaches that Jesus speaks in parables to fulfill prophecy and because many reject His message.