



在这个视频中,Dr. 托马斯•白, 沙巴体育校长, addresses CU faculty about specific details concerning biblical integration and why theology is so essential and foundational to every academic discipline on campus. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, 本讲座作为神学研讨会的开幕讲座, 对今年余下的时间进行概述. 查看演示幻灯片»



It is crucial as we teach in our respective disciplines that we understand the meaning of terms like “theology” and “worldview” and how these two items relate to one another. 在这节课中. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the 圣经整合中心, unpacks the importance and relationship of theology and worldview in thinking Christianly in academia. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the second of six 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019. 查看演示幻灯片»



The doctrine of revelation is an essential aspect of theology to understand when thinking of how God has made Himself known to us through various means. While speaking briefly on the topic of general revelation (God makes Himself known to all by means of creation and conscience, 尽管它被不信的人类所压制), Dr. 乔舒亚·基拉更具体地研究了特殊启示, 尤其关注圣经的特点. Dr. Kira ends his presentation with a practical look at how the doctrine of revelation impacts various academic disciplines. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the third of six 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019. 查看演示幻灯片»



The doctrine of revelation and Scripture shows us the character of God's Word, 这很有启发, 绝对正确的, 绝无错误的, 和权威的. That understanding demands an attentiveness to the text of Scripture that yields a right interpretation of what is said. 在这次神学研讨会上. 下风首位, 圣经与神学研究副教授, addresses key facets of biblical interpretation that will lead to an accurate understanding of the text of Scripture. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the fourth of six 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019. 查看演示幻灯片»



The doctrines of God and creation are essential matters for our consideration in Christian theology. 在这次神学研讨会上. J.R. 吉尔胡利, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Honors Program, discusses the Creator-creature distinction from a biblical-theological vantage point and how it has bearing on our understanding of ontology, 价值论, 和认识论. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the fifth of six 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019.



The doctrines of God and creation are essential matters for our consideration in Christian theology. 在这次神学研讨会上. J.R. 吉尔胡利, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Honors Program, discusses the Creator-creature distinction from a biblical-theological vantage point and how it has bearing on our understanding of ontology, 价值论, 和认识论. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the fifth of six 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019.



Everyone in the world understands there is brokenness and all are striving for a solution to the problem. Christians have a unique perspective on the theological theme of salvation, 以圣经中的三位一体神为前提, 还有人性的罪恶, and claims that our only hope of eternal life is through repentance and faith in Jesus. 本次研讨会的演讲者是Dr. Jason Lee, Dean, School of Biblical and Theological Studies, Professor of Theological Studies.



When Christ ascended to heaven he had told his disciples that he would build his church, 他的新娘和身体. 教会, 上帝的子民包括信仰的犹太人和外邦人, is a key means to our growth in godliness and serves as a reminder of the end of the storyline Scripture portrays, 上帝将永远是某一特定民族的上帝. 本次研讨会的演讲者是Dr. 托马斯·怀特,校长兼神学教授.



有时是三位一体中被忽视的位格, 有时被误解为某种神秘的力量, 圣灵在我们的救恩中起着关键的作用, 神圣化, and ability to operate in the world as Christians in ways that are profoundly countercultural. 本次研讨会的演讲者是Dr. Zach Bowden, Executive Assistant to the President and Assistant Professor of Theology. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the 1st 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty during the Fall 2020 semester.

View thumbnail for 神学研讨会第11部分:有神论与世界宗教


每一种宗教都提到它所崇拜的神. While there are distinctions to be seen in the pantheon of gods that exist in world religions, there are some who also wish to claim that all religions are paths that ultimately lead to the same destination. 有些人甚至会说, 例如, that the god of Islam and the God of Christianity are one and the same and that these religious ideologies hold the same basic beliefs. 这一说法, 然而, 与基督教信仰的教义形成鲜明对比, 肯定我们敬拜的是独一的三位一体的神吗. Dr. 马特·班尼特, 宣教与神学助理教授, 会在这件事上提供有益的教导吗, showing why it is so crucial to understand how Christianity stands apart from every other religion known to humanity. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the 3rd Theology Seminar being offered to Cedarville faculty during the Fall 2020 semester, 也是这个系列的第11位. 查看演示幻灯片»

View thumbnail for 神学研讨班10:末后之事的教义


从伊甸园到新耶路撒冷, the Bible is telling its readers of an eternal kingdom and a coming day when that kingdom of God would overcome all others, 神必因审判和救恩得荣耀. This reality shapes the way we live today in terms of our ethics, values, and our ultimate hope. 本次研讨会的演讲者是Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the 圣经整合中心. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, this talk is the 2nd 神学研讨会 being offered to Cedarville faculty during the Fall 2020 semester. 查看演示幻灯片»

View thumbnail for 神学研讨会第12部分:高等教育史


This seminar walks through the history of Christian higher education with an emphasis on Biblical Integration. 本次研讨会的演讲者是Dr. 托马斯·马赫,学术副校长兼历史教授. 作为圣经整合中心的倡议, 这次演讲是第12次为沙巴体育教师举办的神学研讨会. 查看演示幻灯片»



Biblical integration is the understanding and application of biblical-theological truth to academic disciplines and the various spheres of life. 在这个视频中,Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Director of the 圣经整合中心 and Associate Professor of Theology, provides a training session to assist Cedarville University faculty working on their integration papers. 本节讨论什么是集成, 思考整合论文的过程, and provides details as to what the handbook says on the integration paper requirements. 查看演示幻灯片»