One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

At Cedarville University, you can:

  • Strengthen your understanding of a biblical worldview
  • Take transferable college courses
  • Make great Christian friends

Try spending some time on campus during the summer. You will not only enjoy the fun, friendly atmosphere, you can also get required general education courses out of the way! Several of these courses center on strengthening your faith and developing your worldview. Choose from courses like Principles of Biology, General Psychology, Politics and American Culture, The Bible and the Gospel, Principles of Earth Science, and Cultural Anthropology.

Have questions about our various sessions? Contact the Office of the Registrar at or call us at 937-766-7710.

Your first step toward taking a course is filling out a nondegree-seeking application. Click "Apply Now" below ... and start your summer right!